Neighborhood Planning Units (NPUs) are citizen advisory councils that make recommendations to the Atlanta Mayor and Atlanta City Council on zoning, land-use, licensing, and other planning issues.
The NPU system was established in 1974 by Atlanta Mayor Maynard Jackson to provide an opportunity for citizens to participate actively in the Comprehensive Development Plan, which is Atlanta’s vision for the next 5, 10, and 15 years. It is also used as a way for the citizens to receive information concerning all functions of Atlanta City government. The system enables the citizens to express ideas and comment on City plans and proposals while assisting the City in developing plans which best meet the needs of different areas.
Membership is open to anyone 18 years or older whose primary residence is within the NPU, as well as to any corporation, organization, institution, or agency which owns property or has a place of business within the NPU.
The NPU has 3 different committees, zoning, development & transportation, and public safety, which make recommendations to the Atlanta City Council for review.